Jeanne Fiocca
Aug 2, 2019
Words matter...
I think words matter. When my ex and I split and our sons had to begin trekking back and forth between houses, I was intentional about a...
Jeanne Fiocca
Jul 24, 2019
Evolution of a Mama
This summer one of my sons is lifeguarding. He asks me to coat him in sunscreen before he takes off for work and I happily oblige. Every...
Jeanne Fiocca
Oct 12, 2018
This little light of mine...
Three years ago today I quit drinking alcohol. I had developed a fond affinity for too much beer and each 'next time' I could drink as...
Jeanne Fiocca
Sep 27, 2018
Love, Actually meets The Fast and the Furious
I wish I could remember where I heard it, someone said dating later in life is like Love, Actually meets the Fast and the Furious. I...
Jeanne Fiocca
Sep 23, 2018
The Date.
He is what my mom would have called a silver fox, a handsome man whose hair is prematurely more white than gray. He's better looking in...